Second Impact Syndrome in Athletes

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Extreme Extreme Sports Injuries

In sports like soccer and skateboarding, helmets not only save athletes from headaches, but from life-threatening traumatic brain injury as a dobro.Procjenjuje 300,000 sports related TBI's occur in the United States each year . the most common head injury sustained in sports is concussion. Some athletes tend to be very persistent in their pursuit of run time, and will ignore the time needed for recovery of head injury by putting them at greater risk to suffer another concussion, brain damage or even death.


Most sports related TBI's are classified as a concussion, which temporarily changes the status of the brain resulting from trauma to the head. Athletes who have already suffered a TBI are at greater risk for another potres.Niz mild brain injury over a prolonged period of time, months or years, can result in cumulative neurological and cognitive deficits. Since it is constantly subjected to mild brain injury in a short time, a few days or weeks, can be fatal.

A second impact syndrome

A second impact syndrome results from successive, seemingly mild concussions in a short period of time. These concussions on their own would not be particularly life threatening, but their risk of death, if heightened by the close of their occurrence. This is caused by an acute, often fatal, brain swelling that occurs when the second earthquake takes place before full recovery from previous potres.Oticanje blood vessels leading to congestion and increased intracranial pressure.


According to leading neurologists, after an individual suffers concussion he or she is four times more like to suffer another. After holding several injuries that required less force to cause concussion and more time to recover. Athletes in sports that go direct impact or risk direct impact on the head of the risks. Boxers, football players, skateboarders, and hockey players participating in sports where blows to the head and probably often encouraged.

If you hurt

If an athlete shows no signs of mental status change after suffering a blow to the head should not return to activity until examined by medical professional. Signs include confusion, amnesia and transient, with or without loss of consciousness.

For more information on sports related traumatic brain injury or other impact syndrome, visit the Texas traumatic brain injury attorneys at Williams Kherkher

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