Anoxic Brain Injury

of anoxic brain injury occurs in cases of severe lack of oxygen to the brain. This usually occurs when blood can not flow to the brain due to certain injuries or bleeding. There are three types of such injury: anemic anoxia (blood does not carry enough oxygen), toxic anoxia (due to toxins that block oxygen in the blood of benefits) and anoxic anoxia (no oxygen is supplied to the brain).

Here are the Prehospital resuscitation and factors that can determine the injury suffered, especially in infants entering a coma. Unfortunately, such a brain injury can happen to a newborn baby, because more complications that can occur leading to a lack of oxygen in the brain of a child. The outcome is less promising for more babies in a coma.

brain needs oxygen and glucose to function properly. Lack of oxygen to the brain cortex nerve damage is located where the cells originate. The cardio-pulmonary arrest, loss of consciousness occurs in 10-15 seconds and irreversible brain damage occurs in 5 minutes. For example, shared a sleeper hold to see on wrestling shows is very dangerous, and many children have suffered irreversible damage by trying to imitate.

There are several treatments the patient may take, but brain injuries rarely heal 100%. Applications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy have been used to positive effect in the past and not pomaže.Najbolji rehabilitation provides specialized centers where patients suffering from anoxic brain injury care 24 hours a day.

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