Traumatic Brain Injuries

brain injury can occur as a result of various incidents, including:
§ Open head injury - occur when the force of the object pierces the skull and brain damage. Open head injury can be caused by bullets, or any other object that enters the skull.

§ Closed head injuries - closed head injury occurs when an external force affects the head, causing brain shift and collide with the inside of the skull. Falls and motor vehicle accidents often caused by closed head injury.

§ Chemical brain injury - If certain chemicals or toxins into the body, they can cause serious damage to brain cells, causing permanent damage mozga.Najčešći chemicals and toxins that caused the traumatic brain injury as insecticides, carbon monoxide, and lead poisoning.

§ infection. - If the infection is allowed to grow inside the body, it can affect the brain, causing the brain to swell and become damaged by pressing the inside of the skull

§ hypoxia - If the body is deprived of oxygen for too long can cause serious damage to the brain because it does not receive the oxygen it needs to stay alive


§ stroke. - If the blockage in blood flow or brain, it can cause irreparable damage to brain cells, causing long-term effects and disabilities

Traumatic brain injuries are often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. Many times, the only people aware of the effects of traumatic brain injury victims and their loved ones who notice the subtle changes or differences. Even a "mild brain injury" can have numerous, long-lasting effects on victims and their families. Common symptoms of traumatic brain injury include:

§ Headache

§ loss of memory

§ Seizures

§ fatigue

§ Depression

§ Dizziness

§ poor concentration / attention

§ Confusion

§ impulsivity

§ voice problems

§ Problems Comprehending Things

§ chronic pain

§ difficulty controlling bowels

§ Irritability

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